philosopher en éduquant

Adult education .

Live in the present .

Tame the dead .

Watch from high .

To be creator of cultures .

Live in awareness the process of knowing : perception – sensation – thought (image, idea) – attachment – reproduction ;  resulting in pleasure or frustration therefore to suffering, hence the need for work on pain .

Exercise the “penetrating vision”, instant perception of what is .

To be located in the joy of being in the world, in the ” dialogical ” between knowledge pluralities and experiential self-knowledge, endless dialogic, without foreseeing the goal and the hazards .

Countering the withdrawal on oneself .

Be in a fair relation to the cosmos .

Be a citizen of world .

Be wise, adjust his way of thinking, to be of service to others, be a part of world .

Watch the world like seeing it for the first time .

Be in a attitude of not knowing .

Know that the philosophy is effaced in front of the activity of philosophizing .

Take a look lucid about the nature of thought .

Give birth in others the ” think for yourself ” .

Be in the dialogue and creative adjustment to the other .

Be the custodian of all the thinking that has taken place in the past .

To be aware, coherent and rational .

Be humble in front of what is said or written .

In front of language ask yourself what he means, what to say and what to say say .

Be tolerant and defend the freedom to think .

Penetrate the oceanic feeling by behaving like René Char for whom : ” To each collapse of evidence the poet responds with a salvo of the future ” .


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