The Four Toltec Agreements

These are recommendations to follow to live more harmoniously, be in tune with the depths of oneself and make the trials experienced opportunities to grow in consciousness in an ever more complex world

They form a code of conduct capable of quickly transform our life into an experience of freedom, of happiness and of love .

They come from the ancient Toltecs whose sages taught men and women what it meant to live clearly and exemplarily as peaceful warriors .

     The first toltec agreement is : “let your word be impeccable”

Speech allows us to express our power Creator. It is through it that we manifest things. The word is not simply a sound or a written symbol. It's a strength. She represents our ability to communicate, thinking, and therefore to create the events of our lives. Speech is so powerful that a single word can change a life or destroy it. .

Every human being is a magician. By our word we can either put a spell on somebody, either free him .

The term “impeccable” means, according to its etymology, “without sin”. A sin is something we commit against ourselves. The concept of sin is here transformed, it's not no longer a matter of morality or religion, it's a matter of common sense. the sin begins with self-denial .

Speak judgment against someone can have the power of black magic called gossip, or the spreading rumors. Gossip has become the main form of human society communication. An old popular expression says that “misery loves company”, and the people who practice it and suffer don't want to be alone. Spreading rumors is the equivalent of a computer virus .

We can assess the degree of impeccability of our word to the alder of the love we have for ourselves .

     The second Toltec agreement is that : “whatever happens, don't make a deal of it personal”

Take what is said about it personally we, it is to agree to a remark that may be derogatory. From then the poison will seep into us and we will be trapped. And if we do trap, is that we take ourselves seriously and make everything a business personal. It's that we give ourselves importance, what is a great manifestation of selfishness since we then start from the principle that everything what happens to us concerns us. We are not responsible for what the others do .

If someone gives their opinion, let's not a case, because this person in truth is faced with his own feelings and beliefs, to find nothing better than to pour out its own personal business. We become easy prey for all these predators, all who practice black magic by their word. They develop what in psychoanalysis is called projection. Discern this psychic mechanism that can only harm us is necessary .

If someone does not treat us with love and respect, take it as a gift that he leaves us one day .

Have confidence in our ability to perform the good choices. We are not responsible for the actions of others ; only from ourselves .

     the third toltec agreement is : “don't make assumptions”

We imagine lots of things and do assumptions about everything. What is serious is that we believe then that they are the truth. The sadness and the drama to which we have been confronted in our life come from this habit of making guesses, to attribute intentions to others and to take things personally .

It is always better to ask questions than to make assumptions, because these program us to suffer .

We assume that everyone sees life as we see her. In every relationship one can indulge in assuming that the others knowing us, know what we think without having to formulate Our needs, and they will do what it takes . And if they don't we are injured !

If others change, it's not because that we have the power ; it is rather because they want to evolve .

We don't have to justify love ; love is present or not. True love consists in accepting such people that they are without trying to change them. By communicating clearly, our relationships will change, just as much with our partner as with everyone .

We all have habits we're not even into aware. Bringing them to consciousness is therefore the first step to take. .

      the fourth toltec agreement is : “always do your best”

everything is alive, everything is constantly changing, by therefore our best will sometimes be at a high level and other times at a lower level .

If we just do our best, we will live our existence intensely. We will be productive and kind to ourselves because we will give our family, to our community, See you later thing .

To be in action is to live fully. Inaction is a way of denying life. L’inaction, is to stay seated in front of the television every day for years, because we are afraid to be alive and take the risk of expressing who we are .

Everything we commonly know and do, we learned it by repetition. We are masters in the art of to walk, To drive, to speak, to sing or write because we are exercised .

In our quest for personal freedom and of self love, we need to get up and act. This is how we will assume our humanity. Let's honor the man or the woman that we are. respect our body enjoying it, the magnet, nourishing it, washing it, the caregiver. Let's engage in activities that are good for our body. It is by this way that we will touch greater than ourselves and commune with the mystery .

May each of our actions become a ritual for to adore what surpasses us and leads us .

The observance of the four Toltec agreements will allow you to become a warrior capable of transcending suffering and not never come back. The same goes for happiness. The only reason for that we are happy is because we have made a choice. the happiness, just like the pain, is a choice .


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